United Way Works For a Healthier River Region
Whether it is a neighbor without health insurance, a victim of abuse, or someone struggling with mental illness or addiction, River Region United Way is working to ensure everyone has access to affordable and quality care.
Whether it is a neighbor without health insurance, a victim of abuse, or someone struggling with mental illness or addiction, River Region United Way is working to ensure everyone has access to affordable and quality care.
Achieving our goal requires us all to become more aware of health risks and the potential effects they have on ourselves and others, starting even before birth. Working to change policies and practices, such as extending healthcare coverage, will enable more people to live healthier lives.
Working Together For a Healthier River Region
River Region United Way knows that real and sustained change in community conditions requires more than money. That’s why nationally, United Way Worldwide's Public Policy staff works to educate and engage Members of Congress, the Administration, and other policymakers about the goals and priorities of the United Way movement and our commitment to health, education, financial stability and basic needs, as well as strengthening the nonprofit sector.
In order to ensure that children lead healthy lives, access to healthcare is absolutely critical. Health coverage not only helps to remove barriers to care, but it also improves overall health outcomes, and should therefore be comprehensive.
Click here to learn more about County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
ZERO to THREE, a national United Way partner, supports advocates in their work to promote programs and policies that help improve the lives of infants and toddlers. Research shows that the effects of poverty diminishes brain growth. With nearly half of America's babies living in or near poverty, we need to invest in our future thinkers, builders, and innovators.
The State of Babies Yearbook: 2020 compares national and state-by-state data on the well-being of infants and toddlers.The current state of babies tells an important story about what it is like to be a very young child in this country, and where we are headed as a nation. By nearly every measure, children living in poverty and children of color face the biggest obstacles, such as low birthweight, unstable housing, and limited access to quality child care.
Click Here to Learn More
A state profile of Alabama's babies provides a snapshot of how infants, toddlers, and their families are faring in each of these three policy domains -- Good Health, Strong Families and Positive Early Learning Experiences.
Click Here For Alabama's State Profile
To create a brighter future for all, we must implement policies based on science and budgets that make infants and young children a priority.
Saving With SingleCare
River Region United Way partners with SingleCare (formerly FamilyWize) to provide community members with access to affordable prescription medications, helping to ensure good health and financial stability.
SingleCare negotiates fair drug prices directly with major pharmacies like CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens. We pass the savings onto our members, free of charge.