Through the United Way Campaign, we invite people to join us in Making Life Better for Everyone in our communities.
The United Way workplace giving campaign has been called one of the most significant social inventions in American history. RRUW works with employers throughout the River Region and with nearly 200 community volunteers annually. Together, we leverage the power of Collective Giving for Collective Impact – raising funds needed to positively impact lives and address the most acute needs in our communities.
Workplace Giving
The measure of any community is its value on the quality of life for all citizens. Where that value is the highest, there exists a leadership group that gives its community the strength, character, and purpose that distinguishes it from all others. This group in our River Region believes that no community problem is insurmountable and that the commitment of caring individuals can work wonders. These exceptional leaders inspire others by their example of community concern and involvement. Their generosity provides a foundation on which the United Way helps build a better quality of life for all residents of the River Region.
Click here for more details on Workplace Giving.
Campaign Frequently Asked Questions
United Way campaigns are conducted in approximately 400 worksites throughout the River Region. These range from large corporations, schools, hospitals and nonprofit agencies to professional and entrepreneurial firms. Regardless of the size of your organization, United Way can tailor a campaign just for you.
An employee campaign is a fun way to promote teamwork while supporting the community. With your help and your management's support, we work with you to plan the best campaign possible.
United Way staff will provide the best practices that have been successful in other workplace campaigns. These practices include:
• Top executive involvement and support
• Training of internal campaign team Group meetings for employees
• Implement a model leadership giving program
• Set goals and objectives for your campaign
• Thank and recognize employees
Any size company can participate in a campaign and your contribution – no matter how big or small – makes a difference right here in the River Region.
The average campaign lasts for two weeks. The employee campaign can be run in several different ways. All we ask is for the support of management and the opportunity for a United Way staff person to speak to your employees. This can be at an existing staff meeting, quarterly report, etc. where employees can have questions answered and receive educational materials regarding their United Way and community. Our staff will handle a large portion of the campaign for you, leaving you time to accomplish your daily objectives.
Here's how.
• Run an employee campaign
• Give a corporate gift or implement an employee matching gift program
• Donate a portion of proceeds from the sale of an item or service
• Participate by volunteering at a United Way agency
• Participate in the Loaned Executive Program
How Can My Company help?Yes, you can designate your contribution to an affiliate agency or a focus area of RRUW. A designated gift must be $100 or more ($100 designation per agency or focus area). A designated gift is subject to a 10% processing fee.