Community Partner Agencies

Uniting To Help The River Region

River Region United Way addresses community needs through its support of more than 80 programs operated by more than 30 affiliate agencies. These programs directly impact the lives of people in Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes, Macon, and Montgomery counties every year.


Our Community Partner Agencies

211 Connects South Central Alabama

211 Connects South Central Alabama

101 Coliseum Blvd., Montgomery, AL 36109
phone 211 or 1-888-421-1266  |  fax 334.264.9182

Managed by HandsOn River Region, which operates the 211 telephone system and connects people to health & human services information and referrals.

Aid to Inmate Mothers

Aid To Inmate Mothers

660 Morgan Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36104
phone 334.262.2245  |  fax 334.262.2296

Offers visits with children, family outreach, education and support services to inmate mothers, and aftercare to promote success in transition from prison to community life.

Alethia House

Aletheia House

(operates programs formerly under Chemical Addictions Program)

1153 Air Base Boulevard, Montgomery, AL  36108 
phone 334.269.2150 |  fax 334-265-0475

Provides residential and outpatient substance use disorder treatment for adults, and outpatient treatment for adolescents who are substance abusers or have become chemically dependent.

American Heart Association

American Heart Association

1449 Medical Park Avenue., Birmingham, AL 35213
phone 205.510.1524

By 2020, to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and strokes by 20%.


Autauga/Western Elmore Arc

Autauga/Western Elmore Arc

298 Jay Street, Prattville, AL 36066
phone 334.365.4054 | fax 334.361.0335

Providing education, training, support and advocacy for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enable them to reach their maximum potential as participating members of society.


Boys & Girls Clubs of the River Region


Boys & Girls Clubs of the River Region

West End: 220 Crenshaw Street, phone 334.263.3371
Mt. Meigs (DYS):  P.O. Box 234, Montgomery, AL  36101 , phone 334.832.4288 
Chisholm: 2612 Lower Wetumpka Road, phone 334.265.2469
Central Office: phone 334.832.4288  |  fax 334.832.4289

Three facilities providing after-school programs in health, life-skills, citizenship, leadership development, educational and career exploration, sports, fitness and recreation and the arts for children and youth, ages 6 to 18.


Brantwood Children's Home

Brantwood Children's Home

1309 Upper Wetumpka Road, Montgomery, AL 36107
phone 334.265.0784  |  fax 334.265.9701

Serving Alabama’s abused, neglected, homeless youth since 1917. Providing a loving, protective home that includes an on-site school, drug free living and job readiness programs.


Butterfly Bridge Children's Advocacy Services

Butterfly Bridge Children's Advocacy Services

Autauga County Office - 1807 Station Drive, Suite D, Prattville, AL 36066
phone 334.356.3632  

Elmore County Office - 633 Coosa River Parkway, Wetumpka, AL 36092, AL 36107
phone 334.478.4094

Offers a safe, child-friendly environment to children victimized by abuse or neglect as we provide restoration and justice in their lives.


Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama

Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama

4145 Carmichael Road, Montgomery, AL 36106
phone 334.273.2279

Dedicated to providing cancer patients supportive services such as transportaion and medication assistance while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment. 


Catholic Social Services of Montgomery

Catholic Social Services of Montgomery

4455 Narrow Lane Road, Montgomery, AL  36116
phone 334.288.8890  |  fax 334.288.9322

Assists with emergency utilities, food, clothing, counseling, domestic/ international pregnancy support services, medication assistance, services to frail elderly, immigration resources.


Child Protect

Child Protect Children's Advocacy Center

935 S. Perry Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
phone  334.262.1220  |  fax 334.262.2252

Provides a non-threatening site where child victims can relate their abuse to interviewers who help minimize the trauma. A multi-disciplinary team provides appropriate action.


Easterseals Central Alabama

Easterseals Central Alabama

2125 E. South Boulevard, Montgomery, AL  36116
phone 334.288.0240  |  fax 334.288.7171

A comprehensive rehabilitation center providing life enhancing programs including speech, vocational evaluation, employment services and skills training for the disabled including the deaf.


Family Guidance Center of Alabama

Family Guidance Center of Alabama

2358 Fairlane Drive, Montgomery, AL  36116
phone 334.270.4100  |  fax 334.270.4104

Counseling services for families, Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Program, Parenting Institute, family services, Travelers Aid, Child Care Management program, Family Coaches program, Senior Services.


Family Sunshine Center

Family Sunshine Center

P.O. Box 5160, Montgomery, AL 36103
Crisis Line: 334.263.0218 or toll free 1.800.650.6522
1.800.787.3224 (hearing impaired)
phone 334.206.2100  |  fax 334.206.2111

Assists victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Services include a 24-hour hotline, safe shelter, counseling, advocacy, & school-based prevention programs.


Family Support Center

Family Support Center

113 West Main Street, Prattville, AL 36067
phone 334.361.4703  |  fax 334.361.4747

A non-profit agency which provides free programs focused at improving the quality of life in children and families through education, advocacy and employment.


Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama

Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama

900 Air Base Blvd., Montgomery, AL 36196
phone 334.263.4633  |  fax 334.263.5817

Provides training, vocational rehabilitation, and employment opportunities for people with disabilities or other vocational problems that create barriers to competitive employment.


HandsOn River Region

HandsOn River Region

101 Coliseum Blvd., Montgomery, AL 36109
phone 334.264.3335 and 334. 264.4636  |  fax 334.264.9182

Coordinates volunteer efforts by bringing people and community needs together to solve local problems.


Health Services, Inc.

Health Services, Inc.

phone 334.420.5001

Provides access to primary health care services, particularly for the indigent, underinsured & uninsured in order to enhance the quality of life.


Hope Inspired Ministries

Hope Inspired Ministries

145 Coliseum Blvd., Montgomery, AL 36109
phone 334.649.4330

HIM seeks to serve those who are low-skilled, poorly educated, and chronically unemployed by preparing and equipping them to obtain and maintain employment. 


Hospice of Montgomery

Hospice of Montgomery

1111 Holloway Park, Montgomery, AL 36117
phone 334.279.6677  |  fax 334.277.2223

A non-profit healthcare organization that provides in-home physical, emotional, spiritual and bereavement services to terminally ill patients and families regardless of their ability to pay.


Legal Services Alabama (LSA)

Legal Services Alabama (LSA)

2567 Fairlane Drive, #200, Montgomery, AL  36116
phone 334.832.4570  |  fax 334.286.5993

Serves low-income people by providing free civil legal aid and assistance and by promoting collaboration to find solutions to problems of poverty. 


Medical Outreach Ministries

Medical Outreach Ministries

1401 East South Blvd., Montgomery, AL 36111
phone 334.281.8008  |  fax 334.558.0357

Offers free primary healthcare and prescriptions to low-income citizens not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare.


Mental Health America in Montgomery

Mental Health America in Montgomery

1116 South Hull Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
phone 334.262.5500  |  fax 334.262.1576

Agency through which volunteers work to improve conditions for mentally ill and educate about mental health and mental illness.



Meals on Wheels Montgomery AL Metro Area 

115 E. Jefferson Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
phone 334.263.0532  |  fax 334.240-6769

Assists senior citizens by providing services to promote independent living, offering opportunities to enhance their quality of life, and increasing community awareness of senior issues.


Montgomery ARC

Montgomery ARC 

527 Buckingham Drive, Montgomery, AL 36116
phone 334.281-6938  |  fax 334.286.9102

Provides safe, quality and responsive services to adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and their families by providing adult day habilitation services, vocational training, job placement and residential services to promote independence and integration into the community.  



MANE (Montgomery Area Non-Traditional Equestrians)

MANE (Montgomery Area Non-Traditional Equestrians)

3699 Wallahatchie Road, Pike Road, AL 36064
phone 334.213.0909  |   fax 334.213.0902

Nationally accredited therapeutic riding center providing medically appropriate therapeutic horseback riding opportunities to children and adults with physical, cognitive, social, emotional, or behavioral disabilities.


Salvation Army

Salvation Army

900 Bell Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
phone 334.265.0281  |  fax 334.265.3092

Provides emergency food, clothing shelter, community feeding program; Christmas food, clothing, toys; referrals; character building programs meeting social, educational, moral, spiritual needs; counseling; summer camps.


Sickle Cell Foundation of the River Region


Sickle Cell Foundation of the River Region

3180 Selma Highway, Montgomery, AL 36108
phone 1.888.767.4255

Sickle Cell Foundation of the River Region, headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama has been providing resources for understanding the effects of Sickle Cell Disease.



The Second Chance Foundation

The Second Chance Foundation

810 Cedar Street, Montgomery, AL 36106
phone 334.263.9733  |  fax 334.263.9031

Day treatment and remediation services for youth expelled from school. Individual, group, and family counseling, academic remediation, life skills classes, community service, structure and support.


Service Dogs Alabama

Service Dogs Alabama

8365 Mobile Highway, Hope Hull, AL 36043
phone 334.676-3733

Provides Intervention Facility Dogs for schools, youth facilities and courtrooms, and medical and psychiatric Service Dogs to children, adults and veterans with disabilities.



YMCA of Greater Montgomery

YMCA of Greater Montgomery

YMCA of Montgomery
880 South Lawrence Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
phone 334.269.4362  |  fax 334.269.4836

YMCA of Wetumpka
200 Red Eagle Drive, Wetumpka,AL 36092
phone 334.567.8282  |  fax 334.567-5910

YMCA of Millbrook
4700 Camp Grandview Rd, Millbrook, AL 36054
phone 334.290.9622 | fax 334.285.5935

Building character; making a difference; changing lives of kids, families and communities through health and human service programs that promote healthy spirit, mind and body.


YMCA of Prattville

YMCA of Prattville

600 Main Street, Prattville, AL 36067
phone 334.365.8852  |  fax 334.361.0569

Provides a variety of spiritual, physical and character development programs for children and adults focusing on youth with activities involving respect, caring, honesty and responsibility.


WELCOME Food Pantry

3253 Main Street Millbrook, AL 36054

phone 334.285.0150

WELCOME is the primary food pantry assistance program for approximately one-half of Elmore County's population. It serves Millbrook, Coosada, Elmore, Deatsville, and those who live in unincorporated areas.